Welcome to Farfesha Belly Dance
Under the direction of Michelle Morrison, Farfesha Belly Dance is a professional belly dancing company located in Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA. Belly Dance is a path to physical fitness and greater body awareness. It allows a woman to discover and appreciate her individual beauty.
The Farfesha Philosophy
Our dance philosophy is based entirely on our name. Years ago, we had the good fortune to meet Egyptian music historian George Sawa, who, after spending the evening in our company declared we were full of "joyous laughter." Hence the name Farfesha.

Belly Dancing Information
On these pages, you'll find performances, photos, and articles on many subjects (including how to dye silk, make tassels, produce a show and wrap a turban). You can also find Michelle's acclaimed instructional belly dance videos.
On these pages, you'll find performances, photos, and articles on many subjects (including how to dye silk, make tassels, produce a show and wrap a turban). You can also find Michelle's acclaimed instructional belly dance videos.